Featured Products > Pole Cams
Polecam V
Wearable SecurityFederal and local Law Enforcement Agencies, Border Patrol, and Military Agencies are currently using our unique PoleCam. It lets you safely see around corners. You can use it to instantly see into locations where suspects may be hiding - in an attic or crawlspace. The waterproof camera can be positioned to check under vehicles for hidden contraband or explosives, under small boats in total darkness. The camera switches automatically, from full color to black and white with infrared lighting that allows clear view of as far as 50 feet away.The PoleCam
Our unique, Law Enforcement Grade, PoleCam comes complete and ready to use. The optional carrying case* holds all components and keeps them safe through transportation and deployment. Just open the display case, plug in the camera cable and turn it on!
Modular Customizability
Because the Polecam V ("version 5") is a very simple, durable platform, many different cameras and scopes can be attached to the end mount. Below you will see the Raytheon thermal attachment as well as one of the encased portable monitors that comes standard with the system.
Polecam V with Thermal Scope
Portable Monitor
Click HERE for the full brochure.